Progetto ERASMUS + "Mirano Formazione Europa 3" (MI.FOR.EU 3)

This week has been jolly intense as we've kicked off the Erasmus+ Professional Mobility Project "Mirano Formazione Europa 3." Presentations were held in Veneto and Tuscany, where we introduced the project to students from the schools I.I.S. Levi-Ponti, I.I.S. Statale "Ettore Majorana," IIS "8 Marzo-K.Lorenz, and Istituto Magistrale Giovanni Da San Giovanni di San Giovanni. #ErasmusPlus #MobilityProject
Offering 58 students the opportunity to enrich their educational and professional paths with work experiences abroad in public or private companies during the summer.
The internships will take place this summer 2024 in various European countries such as Spain, Lithuania, Ireland, and Slovenia.
We are excited to prepare these young people for experiences that will enrich them linguistically, professionally, and personally, going beyond a simple trip abroad to create a transformative experience that will allow them to broaden their horizons, develop technical and transversal skills, and create lasting memories.